Key Benefits:
Technology Overview:
Plastics (specifically codes 2, 4, 5, and 6) can be depolymerized into useable products using heat in the presence of catalysts developed by the EFT. While other similar processes typically achieve this using much higher temperatures, EFT’s low temperature (350°C - 450°C) catalytic process converts plastics to fuel at a lower cost and with yields greater than 80%.
EFT's proprietary nano-engineered catalysts and technology enable gasoline, diesel, or lubricating fluids to be produced as an end product with no additional refining necessary. (By contrast, comparable U.S.-based technologies generate only crude oil.) The only byproducts are the EFT technology are gases, which can be burned to supply the needed heat, and about 5% char, which studies have shown can be disposed of safely in landfills.
EFT’s technology will tolerate impurities to a certain extent and process commingled plastic. For customers, this means: